Our conferences and meetings

The Guy Foundation convenes meetings for scientists working in quantum biology and related fields. Lectures are recorded and available below and on our YouTube channel (@theguyfoundation). If you are interested in finding out more, please get in touch using the Contact us page.

2024 Spring Series | Ageing | Read more
2023 Autumn Series | Quantum biology and space health | Read more
2023 Spring Series | The Guy Foundation research programme on quantum biology and bioenergetics: presentation of initial findings | Read more
2023 Space symposium | Advancing terrestrial health: lessons from space | Read more
2022 Autumn Series | Quantum mitochondria: energy, information and implications for health and disease | Read more
2022 Spring Series | From quantum bench to bedside: how to realise the potential of quantum biology in medicine? | Read more
2021 Autumn Series | Seeing the light: electromagnetism in the body and its practical application | Read more
2021 Spring Series | From big questions to small details: the macro-microscopic divide | Read more
2020 Autumn Series | Does biology utilise the environment to amplify quantum effects? | Read more
2020 Spring Series | Biological phenomena at different scales: voyage from the quantum to the macroscopic | Read more
2019 Colloquium | Quantum biology and bioenergetics | Read more

2024 Spring Series

Download the programme here

Our 9th symposia series focuses on ageing. Starting with understanding basic principles and current theories we will then investigate these in the light of insights from the application of physics to physiology and ageing.

Recordings of the lectures will be uploaded to this page and our YouTube channel after each session. If you are interested in attending the live meetings, please contact us.

Keywords: Ageing, mitochondria, inflammation, genetics, epigenetic, immortality, ATPase, quantum perspective

Coming soon

Session 1 | Genes regulating ageing and the quest for immortalityProfessor Joao Pedro Magalhaes, University of Birmingham

Coming soon

Session 2 | Understanding the mechanisms underlying epigenetic changes with ageDr Ken Raj, Altos Labs Cambridge Institute of Science

Coming soon

Session 3 | From exercise to mitochondrial health to ATPaseProfessor Wayne Frasch, Arizona State University

Coming soon

Session 4 | Thoughts on ageing mitochondriaProfessor Nick Lane, University College London (UCL)

Coming soon

Session 5 | Quantum and thermodynamic perspectives on ageing and roundtable meetingProfessor Alistair Nunn, The Guy Foundation and University of Westminster

Coming soon

Session 6 | Roundtable summaryRecap of the series talks and questions for discussion