Our online lectures
The Guy Foundation convenes meetings for scientists working in quantum biology and related fields. Lectures are recorded and available below and on our YouTube channel (@theguyfoundation). If you are interested in finding out more, please get in touch using the Contact us page.
In the Spring Series we will focus on the role that water plays in supporting and facilitating the processes fundamental to life. It is well accepted that water is integral to sustain living organisms. What is less well appreciated is the novel behaviour of water at its interface with biological materials. We will explore the physics of water in the biological context and to what extent quantum mechanics might be implicated.
Recordings of the lectures will be uploaded to this page and our YouTube channel after each session. If you are interested in attending the live meetings, please contact us.
Keywords: biological water, physics of water, hydrogen bonds, water at interfaces, ordered water, bulk water, light-water interactions, membranes, origins of life

Session 1 | The physics of water in biologyDr Philip Kurian, Howard University

Session 2 | The physics of water: charge, membranes and interactions with lightDr Ali Hassanali, The International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste

Session 3 | Quantum effects of water associated with proteins - the importance of orderDr Nathan Babcock, Howard University

Session 4 | Origins of life: water, lights, actionProfessor Alistair Nunn, The Guy Foundation and University of Westminster

Session 5 |
Implications of water as a quantum biomolecule for quantum biology researchRecap of the series talks and roundtable discussion
In the Autumn Series we focus on the ways in which the more conventional viewpoints of biology intersect with each other, if we view life as being electric, and how the movement of fundamental particles that exhibit wave particle duality means thinking “quantum mechanically” may bring a new level of understanding.
Recordings of the lectures will be uploaded to this page and our YouTube channel after each session. If you are interested in attending the live meetings, please contact us.
Keywords: Bioelectricity, genome, metabolism, mitochondria, origins of life, coherent charge transfer, quantum tunnelling, DNA mutation, membrane potential, epigenetics
Session 1 | The life electric: the evidenceDr Michal Cifra, The Czech Academy of Sciences
Session 2 | Electrical circuits in biology – quantum or classical?Professor Gregory Scholes, Princeton University
Session 3 | The bioelectric field theory of consciousnessProfessor Johnjoe McFadden, University of Surrey
Session 4 | Proton-motive CO2 fixation, chirality, protometabolism and the emergence of genesProfessor Nick Lane, University College London (UCL)
Session 5 | Bioelectricity and geneticsProfessor Michael Levin, Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University
Session 6 | Roundtable summaryRecap of the series talks
Our 9th symposia series focuses on ageing. Starting with understanding basic principles and current theories we will then investigate these in the light of insights from the application of physics to physiology and ageing.
Recordings of the lectures will be uploaded to this page and our YouTube channel after each session. If you are interested in attending the live meetings, please contact us.
Keywords: Ageing, mitochondria, inflammation, genetics, epigenetic, immortality, ATPase, quantum perspective
Session 1 | Genes regulating ageing and the quest for immortalityProfessor Joao Pedro Magalhaes, University of Birmingham
Session 2 | Understanding the mechanisms underlying epigenetic changes with ageDr Ken Raj, Altos Labs Cambridge Institute of Science
Session 3 | From exercise to mitochondrial health to ATPaseProfessor Wayne Frasch, Arizona State University
Session 4 | Thoughts on ageing mitochondriaProfessor Nick Lane, University College London (UCL)
Session 5 | Quantum and thermodynamic perspectives on ageing and roundtable meetingProfessor Alistair Nunn, The Guy Foundation and University of Westminster
The Guy Foundation is convening the Autumn Series of online lectures on space biology and health to develop an understanding of the possible effects of the altered electromagnetic and gravitational environments that are seen beyond low Earth orbit, on physiology and health. We believe an improved understanding would assist those considering how best to mitigate these effects in space and would also bring valuable new insights for our understanding of biology and health on Earth.
The series comprises the following sessions: ‘Day to day life of an astronaut and effects on health’, ‘Mitochondria and space’, ‘Microgravity and radiation effects’, ‘Potential effects of magnetic fields’, ‘Quantum gravity and inertial stresses’ and a closing roundtable session. Recordings of the lectures will be uploaded to this page and our YouTube channel after each session. If you are interested in attending the live meetings, please contact us.
Keywords: Space health, quantum biology, bioenergetics, mitochondria, electromagnetic fields, gravitational fields, terrestrial health, beyond low Earth orbit, astronaut health, quantum gravity
Session 1 | Day to day life of an astronaut and effects on healthDr Thomas H Marshburn, Sierra Space and retired NASA Flight Surgeon and Astronaut
Dr Scott M Smith, Human Health and Performance Directorate, NASA Johnson Space Center
Session 2 | Mitochondria and spaceProfessor Douglas C Wallace, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Research Institute
Dr Afshin Beheshti, Blue Marble Space Institute of Science
Session 3 |
Microgravity and radiation effectsDr David Furman, Buck Institute for Research on Aging
Professor Christopher D Porada, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Session 4 |
Potential effects of magnetic fieldsProfessor Jonathan Woodward, The University of Tokyo
Professor Wendy Beane, Western Michigan University
Session 5 |
Quantum gravity and inertial stressesDr Nathan Babcock, Howard University
Professor Vlatko Vedral, University of Oxford
Session 6 | Roundtable summaryRecap of the series talks and questions for discussion
The Guy Foundation facilitates thinking and research into how a deeper understanding of electromagnetic effects in biology might improve our ability to practise medicine. As well as convening scientific meetings and symposia the Foundation has also curated and supported a programme of research into aspects of quantum biology and bioenergetics and these collaborating research teams will present their work in the 2023 Spring Series.
Keywords: Biophotonics, Electromagnetic fields, Bioenergetics, Superradiance, Bioelectric template, Membrane potential, Mitochondria, V-ATPase, Entanglement, Regeneration, Imaging, Time-resolved spectroscopy and imaging, Ultrashort, ultrafast lasers
Session 1 | The role of biophotonics and electromagnetic fields in cellular communications and bioenergetics
Dr Rhys Mould, Research Centre for Optimal Health, University of Westminster
Session 2 | Development, visualisation & modulation of bio-photons in living systemsProfessor Stanley Botchway and Dr Alasdair Mackenzie, Central Laser Facility, UK Research & Innovation / Science and Technology Facilities Council, Harwell
Session 3 | Cooperative and coherent quantum phenomena in the life sciencesDr Philip Kurian, Quantum Biology Laboratory, Howard University
Session 4 | From molecular physiology to anatomical formProfessor Michael Levin and Professor Wayne Frasch, Allen Discovery Centre at Tufts University and Arizona State University
The Guy Foundation facilitates thinking and research into how quantum biology and a deeper understanding of electromagnetic effects might be able to improve our ability to practise medicine. The Foundation has long had an interest in how lessons from aerospace medicine might be applied to health on Earth and indeed to humans as a potentially multi-planetary species.
Earth has a specific set of gravitational, magnetic and electric fields. In this symposium we will explore how modulating these may result in varying physiological outcomes. Each section will be followed by Q&A.
Keywords: Space exploration, Terrestrial medicine, Electric, magnetic and gravitational fields, Mitochondria
Session 1 | Lessons for terrestrial health from space exploration Professor Geoffrey Guy, The Guy Foundation, 'Introduction’
Professor Alistair Nunn, The Guy Foundation and University of Westminster, ‘Are humans trapped on Earth?’
Dr Afshin Beheshti, KBR at NASA Ames Research Center, ‘Mitochondria in space - the data in a nutshell’
Session 2 | Electric fieldsDr Michal Cifra, Czech Academy of Sciences, ‘Overview of electric fields in biology’
Professor Michael Levin, Tufts University, ‘Membrane potential and regeneration’
Session 3 | Magnetic fieldsBetony Adams, University of KwaZulu-Natal, ‘Overview of magnetic fields in biology’
Professor Wendy Beane, Western Michigan University, ‘Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and stem cells’
Session 4 |
Gravitational fieldsSteve Thorne, The Copernican Project, ‘Overview of oscillating gravitational fields in biology’
Professor Alistair Nunn, The Guy Foundation and University of Westminster, ‘Microgravity and its effect on human physiology’
Keywords: Mitochondria, COVID-19, Long-COVID, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Magnetic fields, Spin, Reactive oxygen species, Stem cells, Bioelectric fields, Information, Regeneration, Gravitational fields, Space exploration
Session 1 | COVID-19, mitochondria and the quantum undergroundProf. James Moon, Professor of Cardiology, UCL and Clinical Director of Imaging, Barts Heart Centre
Prof. Alistair Nunn, Research Centre for Optimal Health, University of Westminster and Director of Science, The Guy Foundation
Session 2 | Mitochondrial dysfunction: relevance for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and long COVIDProf. Karl Morten, Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health, University of Oxford
Session 3 | Mitochondria and magnetic fields, spin and reactive oxygen speciesProf. Clarice Aiello, Quantum Biology Tech Lab (QuBiT), UCLA
Prof. Wendy Beane, Department of Biological Sciences, Western Michigan University
Session 4 | Mitochondria, bioenergetics, information and electric fields: implications for repair and regenerationProf. Michael Levin, Allen Discovery Centre, Tufts University
Prof. Wayne Frasch, Biomedicine and Biotechnology faculty group, Arizona State University
Session 5 | Mitochondria and fields: implications for space explorationDr Afshin Beheshti, KBR at NASA Ames Research Center
Session 6 | Roundtable meetingProf. Douglas C Wallace, Director, Center for Mitochondrial and Epigenomic Medicine at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute
Betony Adams, Quantum Research Group at University of KwaZulu-Natal and Scientific communications, The Guy Foundation
In the 2022 Spring Series the Foundation will therefore consider how quantum biology research might be translated into advancing medicine. The programme includes talks on quantum biology research as well as talks that give various perspectives, insights and examples of bringing new therapeutics to practice. As well as building on our knowledge of the science, we hope these lectures will help us think about the steps that are needed for quantum biology research to lead to new therapeutics and advances in medicine.
Keywords: New therapeutics, Cancer, Electromagnetic fields, Redox modulation, Reactive oxygen species, Quantum spin, Magnetic fields, Lithium, Quantum enhanced precision medicine, Photobiomodulation, Synchronisation, Gamma entrainment
Session 1 | Electromagnetic fields and cancer and the therapeutic perspectiveDr Jan Pokorný, Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Prof. Steve Wedge, Professor of Stratified Cancer Medicine Discovery at Newcastle University and Head of the Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Newcastle Drug Discovery Unit
Session 2 | Natural products as redox modulators and the therapeutic perspectiveProf. Alistair Nunn, Visiting Professor, University of Westminster and Director of Science, The Guy Foundation
Dr Wolfgang Brysch, Chief Scientific Officer and Chief Medical Officer, MetrioPharm AG
Session 3 | Entangled Posner molecules and the therapeutic perspectiveProf. Matthew Fisher, Professor of Physics, University of California Santa Barbara
Dr Dave Ecker, Co-Founder and Vice-President of Strategic Innovation, Ionis Pharmaceuticals
Session 4 | Light-matter interactions and the therapeutic perspectiveDr Lise Hébert, Senior Vice-President, Research and Clinical Affairs, Klox Technologies
Prof. Gregory Scholes, William S. Tod Professor of Chemistry, Princeton University
Brent Vaughan, CEO, Cognito Therapeutics
Session 5 | Roundtable meetingRecap of series talks and reflections on realising the potential of quantum biology in medicine
Keywords: Photobiomodulation, Bioelectromagnetism, Mitochondria, Inflammation, COVID-19, Radical pair mechanism, Entanglement
Session 1 | Electromagnetic coupling in the biological context Prof. Douglas C. Wallace, Director, Center for Mitochondrial and Epigenomic Medicine at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute
Session 2 | Mechanisms of photobiomodulation and application to the brainProf. Michael Hamblin, University of Johannesburg
Session 3 | Uncovering electrodynamic design principles of living cells and a potential role of quantum interactions in cellular signal processingProf. Jack Tuszyński, University of Alberta
Session 4 | Therapeutic application of light and electromagnetic fields to reduce hyper-inflammation triggered by COVID-19Professor Margaret Ahmad, Institute of Biology Paris-Seine, Sorbonne University
Session 5 | Radical pairs in xenon-induced anaesthesia and optical communication channels in the brainProf. Christoph Simon, University of Calgary
Session 6 | Roundtable meetingSummary talks from each series speaker
Keywords: Origins of life, Light-matter interaction, Bioelectromagnetism, Quantum tunnelling, Enzymes, Slime molds, Quantum computing, Gamma entrainment, Neuroprotection
Session 1 | Introduction to The Guy FoundationProf. Geoffrey Guy, Founder and Chairman, The Guy Foundation
Session 2 | The shape of life from the beginning: the role of electromagnetic fields in the prebiotic worldProf. Alistair Nunn, Director of Science, The Guy Foundation
Session 3 | What is life today? Light as scaffold for organising whole biological systems, and the future of quantum immortalityDr Philip Kurian, Howard University
Session 4 | Amoeba-based combinatorial optimization problem solver as a potential platform for quantum-bio computingProf. Masashi Aono, Keio University
Session 5 | How do cells generate and respond to electromagnetic fields?Dr Michal Cifra, The Czech Academy of Sciences
Session 6 | Noninvasive sensory stimulation to induce gamma entrainment and neuroprotectionDr Li-Huei Tsai, MIT
Session 7 | At the interface of quantum and classical behavior in nature: looking into the eye of quantum tunneling in enzymes and the role of a noisy environmentProf. Judith Klinman, UC Berkeley
Session 8 | Roundtable meetingSummary talks from each series speaker
Keywords: Quantum theory, Coherence, Frohlich condensation, Quantum criticality, Biomolecules, Tunnelling, Charge separation, Origins of life
Session 1 | On the wave of coherence: Biology beyond the atomist standpointProf Giuseppe Vitiello, University of Salerno
Session 2 | Quantum criticality in biological molecules.Prof. Gábor Vattay, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Session 3 | What is coherence and how is it harnessed in biology?Prof. Gregory Scholes, Princeton University
Session 4 | Fröhlich coherence and its role in higher consciousnessProf. Marco Pettini, Aix-Marseille University
Session 5 | Tunnelling and charge separation in vents?Prof. Nick Lane, University College London
Session 6 | Roundtable meetingSummary talks from each series speaker
Session 1 | Quantum Biology: beyond photosynthesisPhilip Kurian, Ph.D., gave a similar talk as part of The Guy Foundation Spring Series 2020. Dr Kurian’s talk starts at 1 hour 16 minutes.
Session 2 | Fundamentals of Energy Harvesting by Living OrganismsProf. Wayne Frasch, Arizona State University
Session 3 | Hormesis: Biological Foundations, Medical and Public Health ImplicationsEdward J. Calabrese, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts (2020)
Session 4 | Reprogramming Endogenous Bioelectrical Circuits: a new approach to regenerative medicineProf. Michael Levin, Allen Discovery Centre at Tufts University (2020).
Prof. Levin gave a similar talk as part of The Guy Foundation Spring Series 2020
Session 5 | Quantum Dynamics and BiologyProf. Martin Plenio, Ulm University
Keywords: Biophotons, Bioenergetics, Mitochondria, Optimal health, Origins of life